Wednesday, January 07, 2009

New Year New Feet!

I thought I would give you a quick up date on Jake's progress. He had another post-op yesterday to get the stitches out and to see how everything was going. The doctor said that everything is looking great and he happy to see how well Jake handled everything. Jake is now walking pigeon toed, which the dr. said is normal because the bones are now where they should be and him walking this way is more comfortable for him but he will walk normal soon. Jake has no pain and is really doing a great job of "taking it easy". He was back to school on Monday and has been doing good at sitting around. I have many spies at his school and they are all keeping an eye on him (thank you :). He told me on New Year's Day that this was the end of his first decade, the beginning of his second, and great way to start the year with new feet!