Sunday, June 29, 2008

Back to Work

After 3 months home and not working Sean (as of now) is going back to work on the 7th! He was so happy to hear that his doctor is letting him go back that he already has his stuff ready to go. I was surprised at how well he handled being home for that long recuperating, (he is not one to sit still and RELAX). He did get a lot of his Halloween crafts made and fixed the little things that he could around the house. He promised that he would be as cautious as he could at work not re injure his knee (we'll see). But I just want to say THANK U to everyone for all the thoughts & prayers (even a little manual labor), we truly appreciate all of your support!

** even his boots are waxed!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ever since Jake was a toddler my dad would squirt whip cream in his mouth, and for some reason it grossed me out. Well when Kate came of age my dad did the same thing with her and he would get the same reaction from me. My dad loved to gross me out when ever the opportunity came, so during the summer this was a common sighting. I have been thinking of my dad a lot lately and I wanted to share this picture with all of you and the story behind it. I know if he was still here he would have a HUGE smile on his face with this picture of his Jakamike and his Kaytee!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Paid For ?!

Well you would think by now that I have learned my lesson with putting things away! NOPE!! Our dear little inquisitive Kate decided to play secretary in the office while I was doing dishes (she is not allowed in the office without an adult). She was on the computer, writing notes, & talking on the phone (she may have sent a fax or two). When I found out that she was in there I told her to go downstairs to get dress. As I was changing her I noticed on her toosh that she had used my "PAID" stamp and not only stamped her bottom, she stamped her feet, legs, and even her neck! Lesson to myself put thing back where they belong!! And no Jake did not tell her to do that he was outside the entire time, and Kate has been bought and paid for!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

happy daddy's day

we just want to wish everyone a happy father's day!!!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Bye Bye 3rd Grade!

Jake's last day of school was yesterday and for the first time ever we all were sad to see him move up to the next grade. He had the BEST teacher ever this year Ms.Sather who happen to be one of my teachers. She was hands down the best thing that happened to him. He started out the year on a rough start, but with her help and compasion he came out of it doing better then ever in school. Ms. Sather was great not only with Jake but us as a family. She invited Kate into her classroom every morning and even had her help her out with the students. Thank You Ms.Sather for all you have done for us, you are the best past, present, and future teacher ever!!!

Congrats Grad.......

Our little Leah (she's not so little though, she is taller then me) graduated from high school Tuesday. We are so proud of her (even Kate) and to see her walk was a happy moment for me, I can remember picking her up from elementary school and helping her with her homework! So we just wanted to say that we're very proud of you Leah-Peah and congrats on your success! As Kate has been saying "WooWoo Yeah did it, her done wit school!"

Post Op Take 1

The news on Sean's knee is so far so good. He has been in p.t. 2 to 3 times a week and all the doctors are telling us that everything is going well and he might be able to go back to work the 2 week of July! The pictures below are after they took the wrap and staples (yuck) off. He had a lot of bruising all over his entire leg and the yellow is the benidyne. Sean's doing good (he still has a nagging pain-no not me!) and is sore but with time and patience (I had to explain to him what that means) he will back to normal!