Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Kate Moment......

If you read this blog often you know how my lovely, spunky, darling, and adventurous 4 year old daughter can be (trust me there are far more stories that have not made it on here). So last time Kate found the scissors she cut her bangs, this time she found the hair clippers and this is what happen.
Let's just say how relieved I was when I found her cutting Sean's hair ;) She ended up clipping half of his hair and decided that she was done and she had to go shopping. So she jumped in her Barbie Jeep and left!


Anonymous said...

I should tell you some of the stuff my nieces have done. You would die laughing!! They are quite the littel characters.

Lins said...

We shoud meet for coffee or jamba juice and tell stories of them. I got some stories of my little one too. She makes me blush at some of the things she says (it's usually in public and rather embarrasing)
