Monday, December 15, 2008

In Memory

It has been 2 years ago this day since my dad has passed away. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him or miss him. I was very blessed and lucky to have him as my daddy, Sean as a father in law, and for Jake and Kate to have him as the best Papa ever. We are lucky to have the best reminders of him, with Jake is his mini me with looks and his ever so present personality. He has many of his characteristics and antics. Jake was the one affected most with my father’s passing (he was extremely close to Papa) but is now doing better. He has his moments but he now talks about my dad with a smile on his face instead of tears. Kate posses my fathers temperament and humor. She is as stubborn if not more so then Papa. She has his curly hair and his antics which as you can see is past down from generation to generation.

Dad~ I miss you so very much! I miss hearing your recliner squeak when we come over and hearing say "hello" to the kids. I did not know how much I would miss hearing you say Lansey in your southern accent (Sean does a great imitation of it). You were the best dad I could have asked for. I know we had our moments but I realize why (we are very alike. I know your there watching and guiding us. You are never and will never be forgotten. We miss you and and love you very much!