Monday, June 23, 2008

Paid For ?!

Well you would think by now that I have learned my lesson with putting things away! NOPE!! Our dear little inquisitive Kate decided to play secretary in the office while I was doing dishes (she is not allowed in the office without an adult). She was on the computer, writing notes, & talking on the phone (she may have sent a fax or two). When I found out that she was in there I told her to go downstairs to get dress. As I was changing her I noticed on her toosh that she had used my "PAID" stamp and not only stamped her bottom, she stamped her feet, legs, and even her neck! Lesson to myself put thing back where they belong!! And no Jake did not tell her to do that he was outside the entire time, and Kate has been bought and paid for!


CarrieAyn said...

That is just too funny!

Sean, Lins, and the Kids said...

Yeah I would have taken a picture but I thoguht I would get in trouble! But it was dang funny.....