Thursday, May 22, 2008

My nurse thinks I am TERRIFIC!

Wednesday was Sean's surgery and I am happy to report that it went well, with no complications. He did a great job through it all this being his first time being the patient. While in pre-op they ask you a ton of questions and it's the same questions 20 time,but the funny thing was the nurse (during the questioning ) made a comment on how it was his "first" time and for those who have never gone under they get a special present.................. a sticker saying "My nurse thinks I'm terrific" and she placed it on his gown! I thought that was funniest thing I've seen yet, so of course it was pic. opportunity. I did ask that they be gentle with him and to watch over him and they did. The whole staff was wonderful and made us feel comfortable and relax (we both dislike hospitals). After the procedure Sean was feeling very good, but in a lot of pain. The nurses pumped him up with so much pain killers that he maxed out and could no longer take anymore. We got him home and placed him on the sofa where he still is! He is feeling good considering what he has been through. I am just grateful that he came out out of it fine and is doing good. Thank you everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and concerns we really appreciate it!